Change your PIN

You can change your PIN code of your prepaid credit card at ATMs and post office cash dispensers in Switzerland, via the Swiss Bankers app or by calling our customer service team.

Change your PIN: Swiss Bankers app.

You can choose a new PIN code via the Swiss Bankers app.

Change your PIN: ATM

Follow the instructions on the ATM screen to change your PIN code.


How can I change my PIN-Code?

After topping up and activating your prepaid card, you can change the PIN code at ATMs in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and at post office machines in Switzerland.

With the Swiss Bankers app you can set a new code without knowing the current one.

What do I have to pay attention to when changing the PIN-Code?

Changed PINs must not contain easily recognized combinations (such as phone number, date of birth, license plate number, etc.). Please note when choosing your new PIN code that often only four-digit codes are accepted abroad.

You forgot your PIN – what now?

You can change your PIN code using the Swiss Bankers app, even if you no longer know your current code.